Having started work on the Heraklion versions of “Fortress Image” as mimetic sculpture, I would like to continue this project with a work in the city which reflects the eclectic mix of style of architecture in the cities history.
In his book Mimesis & Alterity by Michael Taussig he talks of the fortress-images of the Kalu-Tigun, “the rhomboid shapes in the upper part of the building are tables, the same sort of “tables” (vulvas) that appear in the creation of the world, reminding us that while the buildings may serve as the model, and in serving as such fulfill a deadly serious mandate of fidelity, nevertheless such fidelity has its tricks. Euclidian space is shattered, as is the logic of identity.”

The mural would look at the identity of the city as architectural mimesis which considers its own origins, and the alterity introduced over time to the aesthetics of the city landscape. Having spent time in Heraklion in 2015, and having found a fascination in the quality of difference on each street corner, my idea then was to integrate and fortify a work in open space which utilised this alternative address of euclidian space.