It Takes A Village

Baba Vasa’s Cellar, Shabla, Bulgaria, July 2024

invited by Karin Fauchard & Lazar Lyutakov, curated by Brishty Alam
with Brishty Alam, Minda Andrén, Marc-Alexandre Dumoulin, Oleg Frolov, Barbara Hainz, Alexander Jackson Wyatt, Phelim McConigly, Andrew Mezvinsky, Flavio Palasciano, Sophie Pölzl, Nora Severios, Axel Stockburger, Johanna Charlotte Trede, Alexandra Wanderer


Künstlerhaus 1010 Vienna, 02.2024, curated by Phelim McConigly

Compiling a sound installation by Patricia J. Reis and Dora Deliyska, together with the video “Pulsation” – video by Axel Stockburger, sound by Kai Maier-Rothe, as well as sculptural positions by Anna Hofbauer, Phelim McConigly, Flavio Palasciano and Johanna Charlotte Trede, Unabridged considers various positions between in/-determinism.

It is the functional site (Meyer 1995) where the contours of indeterminacy emerge momentarily – the transience of sculptural form against mechanical rhythms, crossing over and over again. 

This functional site, a situation-specific expansion which disables and enables sound against form, creates a cadence of intersection. From the comparison to the contradictory, the cathartic to the detached, the temporal swing will see its way to the end and back. Thrown, volleyed, pivoted, consumed, superimposed, flown, and returned, over and over again.

List of works

1 & 2 Dora Deliyska / Patricia J. Reis

„Über Wolken und Uhren”, Sound Performance & Installation based on 

Poème Symphonique für 100 Metronome and piano pieces by György Ligeti

100 Metronome, Sand, Textile, fishing line, Frame & Wood, Piano 2024

3 & 4 Anna Hofbauer

„Wurfarm”, statuario marble, wood, fabric, dispersion 2007

„Director’s cut”, alabaster, Untersberg marble yellow, wood 2023

5 Flavio Palasciano 

Auspicious Module (acute)

Print on mesh, construction fence, concrete, rubble bags 2022

6 Phelim McConigly 

„What Vertigo!” 5 x Plaster/Wood 2024

7 Axel Stockburger / Kai Maier-Rothe / Dora Deliyska: Piano

„Pulsations“ Video: 08:40, 2022

György Ligeti – Études 4: Fanfares (1985)

8 Johanna Charlotte Trede 

„Ellipse“, Wood object  2018

photos by Flavio Palasciano 


AFAIR they were the one wearing the tindersticks shirt, but I don’t think either of us owned one.

…Always liked the idea of a body double, like there’s endless possibilities for different paths in life. These William Blake paintings coming back to life, ambivalent manifestations of iconic image, fascination with body doubles, taking historical existing figuration and transposing them into this coexistence, like parallel universes, you see them all at once on one level, historical narrative and banal reenactment trapped in a contemporary context.

Am not I – A fly like thee? – Or art not thou – A man like me?

Sound piece in collaboration with Alex Jackson Wyatt, James Swift & William Blake

Turnsaal New Jörg

New Jörg, Jägerstraße 56, 1200 Vienna, 11.2022 – 01.2023, Invited by Alexander Jackson Wyatt

Bregenz Biennale 2020

For the Bregenz Biennale 2020, five artists were invited to declare singular moments with guests, friends, and places as works of art. These postcards are documents of their encounters.

Problem Phase no Problem

solo @ ZK Art Space, Beijing, Sep 9th


Minda Andren & Phelim McConigly @ Memphis, Linz, May 14th


2019, Vienna – intervention, Sep 24-29 Lassallestrasse 

Pimlico Palatschinken

26th & 27th of April 2019, De Pimlico Projects, London, UK


<dienstag abend> no.92, Austrian Embassy, Beijing


Seminar “Art & Agency in the Medical Environment” @ MedUniPleven, Bulgaria, October

Image as Fortress, Art On Route Festival, Heraklion, July

“Resilience is performed in our very own imagination”

Publication: Journal of Irish Studies: McConigly, Phelim. “Resilience is performed in our very own imagination, An Artistic Intervention.” In Daredevils of History? Resilience in Armenia and Ireland, edited by Suzan Meryem Rosita and Dieter Reinisch, 207-210. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2018.

<dienstag abend> no.91 Kupala an der Donau / Hoast Gallery


Performative Installation “Lombardia, Longbeard, (Long… Beard…) @ Schneiderei / Studio Ruyter – October

<dienstag abend> no.90 ICA yerevan/karoyan gallery, Armenia

StartPoint prize final candidate selection / diploma

Mirage II – hosted by Stafett artist collective, Sep 3rd, Wien

Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien – DIPLOMAUSSTELLUNG 21.-30.06.2017

Official Opening / Inaugaration @ Foundation Vienna, June

<dienstag abend> no.86 Press To Exit, Skopje, Macedonia


<dienstag abend> no.85 @ Kluckyland, Wien

Parallax @ Medical Museum, Pleven, funded by BKA Österreich &

<dienstag abend> no.83, Heraklion, Greece

J’ A R R I V E Freitag, 13. Mai 19 Uhr, im Kunstraum SUPER


Appendix @ Uni Hospital Georgi Stranski / funded by BKA Österreich

A great vision for a better you @ Supergood w/Benhard Garnicnig & Lukas Heistinger


Parallel @ Altes Zollamt

Proust’s Questionnaire / Prousts Fragebogen @ Elektrohaus Hamburg

first emerald, then sapphire, then black – Semperdepot, Wien.


keeping company @ Schillerplatz / Rektorat, 1010 Wien.

Parallel @ Altes Telegrafenamt, Boerseplatz, 1010 Wien

Bad Chemistry – @ BOKU Uni

Ve.sch – ein Abend von Ludwig Kittinger (solo)

Saigon Moment @ Friday Exit


EG NORD_ a painting exhibition

Interference @ Akron Vienna Bio Centre

Camoflage @ QuickBox w/ Julie Gufler, Christian Falsnaes, & Lea Von Wintzingerode